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Clear Blue Skies Bouquet

Item #TEV25-3
Clear Blue Skies Bouquet
Shipping Information
Same Day Flower Delivery is available in the USA from our network of local florist partners. Orders for flower delivery today must be placed by 3pm in the delivery zip code. Next day delivery options or dates in the future are also available. Cut off time for delivery same day varies on weekends and during peak holidays. Standard shipping and delivery charges start as low as $14.99, though prices may vary by delivery location, shipping time, or calendar day.

In order to ensure you receive the freshest product possible, we will make every attempt to deliver the specified product. In some cases our florists may need to substitute a similar container or flowers.
Pricing Options
Choose the size of the arrangement you'd like to send
Sizes Available
SRP $59.99 $50.99
SRP $69.99 $59.49
SRP $79.99 $67.99
Discount Code
Delivery Information
Delivery to Canada.

Item Description

Nothing better to inspire a bouquet than nature itself! Our Clear Blue Skies Bouquet is arranged to reflect the beauty of a beautiful day where the sun is shining without a cloud in the sky! Pearly white lilies surrounded by creme white roses purple statice invoke happiness in any beholder, whether they're displayed in a home or at an office, they're perfect for any kind of day.

• Creme Roses
• Creme Spray Roses
• White Asiatic Lilies
• White Miniature Carnations
• Purple Statice
• Blue Cube Vase

Pet Safety Precautions: Please be sure to keep out of pets reach as this bouquet or plant may include flowers and foliage that are known to be toxic to pets.

Images are representative only. Some flowers or containers may be substituted due to seasonality, regionality and availability.

Flowers to Canada. Choose from our beautiful arrangements of flowers and send flowers to Canada as you were locally there. Our extensive networks of flower shops guarantee a successfully international flower delivery.

Sending flowers using our online services makes any Canada delivery easy yet professional with artistic floral designs.

The real product may slightly vary on local Canada florist.

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