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Sending Flowers to a Girl at Work

Sending Flowers to a Girl at Work

Date: June 26, 2019

Sending flowers to a girl at work can be a surprising and thoughtful gesture. They can brighten her day and make an typical day more special. Prior to sending flowers to a girl at work, however, there are a few things that you may want to consider.

Flowers to Send Her at Work

After you have gone through all the considerations, and thought about what is the most appropriate, you can then go about finding the perfect bouquet. These will range in color, flower type, and price. Read on for some beautiful floral ideas to send her flowers at work.

European Floral Garden

Summer Flowers for Her

Send a bit of summer no matter what the season really is with this floral garden arrangement. Golden sunflowers, pink tulips, purple monte casino blooms, and red alstroemerias are beautifully arranged with green button poms and lush greens. The flowers are delivered by a local florist in a glass vase with a natural raffia ribbon and make for a wonderful floral gift.

The Sunrise Bouquet

Sunrise Bouquet with Purple and Yellow Flowers

Send her the beauty of a morning’s sunrise with this colorful bouquet. The arrangement includes green hypericum berries, hot pink roses, pink asters, purple statice, and yellow roses that are placed in a clear glass vase. This lovely bouquet can be delivered the same-day by a local florist and will bring floral sunshine into her day.

The Brightest Days Bouquet

Orange Green and Pink Bouquet

Brighten her day with this vibrant bouquet of flowers. Green button poms, orange gerbera daisies, pink roses, purple statice, and yellow daisies are put together and accented with lush greens. The flowers are hand-arranged in a clear glass cylinder vase and are sure to make your recipient smile with delight.

Perfectly Purple Bouquet

Perfectly Purple Bouquet

Surprise her at work with this all-purple floral arrangement. Purple alstroemerias, carnations, and roses are accented with fresh greens make up with beautiful bouquet that is hand-arranged by a local florist. Available for same-day delivery, this is guaranteed to convey elegance and thoughtfulness.

The Best Office Gifts for Her at Work

On the off chance that flowers are not her thing, you can still send her a wonderful office gift. From green plants too delectable treats, there is something to be found for everyone. And to help narrow down ideas, what follows are the best office gifts for her at work.

Succulent Garden

Sample Succulent Garden

For an office gift that is both long-lasting and lovely, look no further than this. A variety of succulents are hand-arranged in a keepsake decorative container. Delivered by a local florist, the succulent planter is available in two sizes, and the perfect low-maintenance office gift.

Classic Dish Garden

Classic Dish Garden and Pink Orchid

Give her a gift sure to add some greenery to her desk or office with this dish garden. The classic arrangement includes a variety of fresh green plants and is arranged in a keepsake woven basket with a handle. Available in three sizes, this would make for a lovely office gift for her and is sure to please.

Super Sweet Snack Gift Basket

Snack Basket for Her

Send her an office gift sure to be remembered with this tasty gift basket. A variety of snacks such as chips, chocolates, and cookies are delivered in a keepsake wicker basket. This assortment of treats is guaranteed to have something for everyone. And with same-day delivery available, and three sizes to choose from, it also makes for a shareable office gift.

*Please be advised that this product contains coconut, egg, milk, peanuts, soy, tree nuts, and wheat. Those with food-related allergies should take the necessary precautions.*

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