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Birth Flowers for May

Birth Flowers for May

Date: August 31, 2020

May also has two flowers. The traditional birth month flowers of May are sweet, embodying the hopes and dreams of the individuals who give them. The two flowers are the Lily of the Valley and the Hawthorn.

The Lily of the Valley Is a flower that is used to signify a return to happiness, sweetness, and humility. This flower is commonly given to a loved one to show that person that the giver’s life is complete with them. It only takes a few of these flowers to create a beautiful bouquet because they are scattered with numerous bulbs.


The other birth month flower and the month of May is the Hawthorn plant. This plant is used to represent hope and supreme happiness. This flower is used to signify that the giver only wants what is best for the recipient. This is why this flower is commonly associated with hopes and dreams. This flower makes a common appearance at graduation parties as individuals mark the transition from one chapter to the next.